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Home > Auctions > 6th December 2016 > World Coins - Russia - Catherine II - 1778 - Gold 10 Roubles

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LOT 3119

GBP (£) 6,000 - 8,000
EUR (€) 7,170 - 9,560
USD ($) 7,390 - 9,850

World Coins - Russia - Catherine II - 1778 - Gold 10 Roubles Dated 1778 AD

Obv: profile bust with СПБ below and Б М ЕКАТЕРИНА ІІ ІМП ИСАМОД ВСЕРОСС legend. Rev: cruciform arms with date numbers in angle with РОССЇЙС МОН ЦЕНА ДЕСЯТ РБ legend. 13.08 grams.

Extremely fine. Rare.

KM# C# 79b; Fr. 129b.