Home > Auctions > 5 - 9 March 2024: Ancient Art, Antiquities,
Natural History & Coins
Auction Highlights:
Sold for (Inc. bp): £41,600
Sold for (Inc. bp): £32,500
Sold for (Inc. bp): £15,600
Sold for (Inc. bp): £7,800
Sold for (Inc. bp): £7,150
Sold for (Inc. bp): £3,120
Sold for (Inc. bp): £9,100
Sold for (Inc. bp): £9,100
Numismatic Books - Carter - Medals of the British Army, and How they Were Won, The Crimean Campaign, Volume III
Lot No. 2989
Sold for (Inc. premium): £26
Numismatic Books - Humphreys - The Coinage of the British Empire
Lot No. 2990
Sold for (Inc. premium): £20
Numismatic Books - Creeke - On Silver Coins of Eanred and Ethelred II of Northumbria and Others
Lot No. 2991
Sold for (Inc. premium): £46
Numismatic Books - Thorburn - A Guide to the Coins of Great Britain & Ireland
Lot No. 2992
Sold for (Inc. premium): £13
Numismatic Books - Sotheby's - European Historical Medals from the Collection of His Grace the Duke of Northumberland
Lot No. 2993
Sold for (Inc. premium): £26
Numismatic Books - Cribb - Magic Coins of Java, Bali and the Malay Peninsula
Lot No. 2994
Sold for (Inc. premium): £72
Numismatic Books - van Heesch & Heeren - Coinage in the Iron Age
Lot No. 2995
Sold for (Inc. premium): £20
Numismatic Books - Brooke - Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum - The Norman Kings, Volume I & II
Lot No. 2996
Sold for (Inc. premium): £143
Numismatic Books - Pegge - An Assemblage of Coins Fabricated by Authority of the Archbishops of Canterbury
Lot No. 2997
Sold for (Inc. premium): £169
Numismatic Books - Evans - The Coins of The Ancient Britons
Lot No. 2998
Sold for (Inc. premium): £117
Numismatic Books - Walters - Some Remarks on the Last Silver Coinage of Edward III to Edward IV and Other Papers
Lot No. 2999
Sold for (Inc. premium): £234
Numismatic Books - Hawkins - Description of a large Collection of Coins of William the Conqueror, Discovered at Beaworth, in Hampshire
Lot No. 3000
Sold for (Inc. premium): £117
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2653 - 2664 of 2726 LOTS
2653 - 2664 of 2726 LOTS