Home > Auctions > 2 - 7 June 2020
Ancient Art, Antiquities & Coins
Auction Highlights:
Sold for (Inc. bp): £8,750
Sold for (Inc. bp): £11,250
Sold for (Inc. bp): £6,000
Western Asiatic Early Dynastic Sexagesimal Counting Tablet
Lot No. 0255
Sold for (Inc. premium): £563
Exceptionally Large Western Asiatic Sumerian Cylinder Seal with Bullmen
Lot No. 0262
Sold for (Inc. premium): £625
Large Western Asiatic Early Syrian I Period Cylinder Seal with Monkey
Lot No. 0263
Sold for (Inc. premium): £375
Western Asiatic Old Babylonian Cylinder Seal for Ur-egal, Servant of the Healing God Damu
Lot No. 0264
Sold for (Inc. premium): £2,125
Western Asiatic Early Dynastic IIIA Cylinder Seal with Banquet Scenes
Lot No. 0265
Sold for (Inc. premium): £1,125
Western Asiatic Akkadian Cylinder Seal with Contest Scene
Lot No. 0267
Sold for (Inc. premium): £1,625
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181 - 192 of 3130 LOTS
181 - 192 of 3130 LOTS