Home > Auctions > 3 - 9 September 2019
Ancient Art, Antiquities & Coins
Passed Lots
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Auction Highlights:
Sold for (Inc. bp): £6,250
Sold for (Inc. bp): £95,000
Sold for (Inc. bp): £23,750
Western Asiatic Early Dynastic II Cylinder Seal with Worshipping Scene
Lot No. 1900
Sold for (Inc. premium): £106
Western Asiatic Old Assyrian Cylinder Seal with Presentation Scene
Lot No. 1901
Sold for (Inc. premium): £325
Western Asiatic Hittite Stamp Seal with Luwian Inscription
Lot No. 1902
Sold for (Inc. premium): £175
Western Asiatic Cylinder Seal with Horned Men Playing a Ball Game
Lot No. 1905
Sold for (Inc. premium): £138
Page 115 of 280
1369 - 1380 of 3349 LOTS
1369 - 1380 of 3349 LOTS