Home > Auctions > 28 May - 2 June 2019
Ancient Art, Antiquities & Coins
Auction Highlights:
Sold for (Inc. bp): £16,875
Anglo-Saxon Coins Alfred the Great - Liafwald - Cross-and-Lozenge Penny
Lot No. 3411
Sold for (Inc. premium): £1,350
Anglo-Saxon Coins - Aethelred II - London / Aelfgar - First Hand Penny
Lot No. 3412
Sold for (Inc. premium): £563
Anglo-Saxon Coins - Aethelred II - Canterbury / Leofstan - CRVX Penny
Lot No. 3413
Sold for (Inc. premium): £475
Anglo-Saxon Coins - Aethelred II - Gloucester / Leofsige - Long Cross Penny
Lot No. 3414
Sold for (Inc. premium): £563
Anglo-Saxon Coins - Aethelred II - London / Godwine - Long Cross Penny
Lot No. 3415
Sold for (Inc. premium): £300
Anglo-Saxon Coins - Edward the Confessor - Canterbury / Caldewine - Expanding Cross Penny
Lot No. 3418
Sold for (Inc. premium): £1,500
Norman Coins - William I - Canterbury / Wulfric - Two Stars Penny
Lot No. 3419
Sold for (Inc. premium): £675
Norman Coins - William I - London / Edwi(ne) - Profile Right Penny
Lot No. 3420
Sold for (Inc. premium): £1,625
Norman Coins - Stephen and Matilda - Ipswich / Roger - Variant Watford Penny with Roundels
Lot No. 3421
Sold for (Inc. premium): £1,875
Ancient Greek Coins - Macedonia - Alexander III (the Great) - Zeus Tetradrachm
Lot No. 3423
Sold for (Inc. premium): £250
Ancient Greek Coins - Phokaia - Ionia - Civic Coinage - Athena Electrum Gold Hekte
Lot No. 3426
Sold for (Inc. premium): £138
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2197 - 2208 of 2835 LOTS
2197 - 2208 of 2835 LOTS