Home > Auctions > 22 - 27 May 2018
Ancient Art, Antiquities & Coins
Auction Highlights:
Estimate: £2,000 - 3,000 (+bp*)
Natural History - Large African 'Tyrannosaurus Rex' Fossil Tooth
Lot No. 0210
Sold for (Inc. premium): £625
Natural History - Very Large Geoditic Amethyst Crystal Slab
Lot No. 0213
Sold for (Inc. premium): £563
Western Asiatic Old Babylonian Cylinder Seal with Royal Worshipping Scene and God Amurru
Lot No. 0215
Sold for (Inc. premium): £298
Western Asiatic Elamite Cylinder Seal for Aham-lurshi, Son of Elat-Awassu, Servant of Amurru
Lot No. 0216
Sold for (Inc. premium): £1,250
Western Asiatic Old Babylonian Cylinder Seal for Ahamarshi, Son of Abi-arah, Servant of Amurru
Lot No. 0217
Sold for (Inc. premium): £938
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109 - 120 of 2676 LOTS
109 - 120 of 2676 LOTS