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Home > Auctions > 4th June 2024 > 'The Drayton' Medieval Gold Ring with Magical Inscription

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LOT 0338

GBP (£) 5,000 - 7,000
EUR (€) 5,860 - 8,200
USD ($) 6,360 - 8,900

Current bid: £4,000 (+bp*)
(4 Bids, Reserve not met)

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(4 Bids, Reserve not met)   |   Current bid: £4,000
1200-1300 A.D.
1 in. (3.95 grams, 25.72 mm overall, 19.75 x 18.44 mm internal diameter (approximate size British R, USA 8 1/2, Europe 18 3/4, Japan 18)).

The bezel developing to a low pyramid with lateral facets, surmounted by an inset cabochon sapphire set within an irregular cell; a quatrefoil plaque to each shoulder, and three more regularly placed around the shank; carinated hoop with magical Lombardic script '+NI ONAN NRIO ONIC / NIAI AINO ANIOI NAN'.

Found whilst searching with a metal detector near Drayton, Vale of the White Horse, Oxfordshire, UK, on Sunday 16th September 2018 by Chris Weir.
Declared as treasure under the Treasure Act with reference no.2018T853, subsequently disclaimed and returned to the finder.

Accompanied by a copy of the British Museum's Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) report no.GLO-0BFB91.
Accompanied by a letter from the finder describing the circumstances of finding.
This lot has been checked against the Interpol Database of stolen works of art and is accompanied by search certificate no.12118-214086.

Cf. PAS-804C91/2002 T248, a similar ring also dated to the 13th century; a similar ring with an inscribed hoop read over two lines was recorded as 2002 T257, also with enigmatic inscription interpreted as most likely having romantic or magical significance.

Many late medieval rings and brooches bear similarly meaningless inscriptions, perhaps due to the illiteracy of the engraver who nevertheless was aware that customers required an inscription, so provided one. Alternatively, since the text is composed from repeated sequences 'NI', 'AI', etc. based on an open syllabic structure, the words may be intended as a chant or magical charm.
For discussion of such inscriptions see Evans, J., Magical Jewels of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Oxford, 1922, pp.121-132, for inscribed jewels.