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Home > Auctions > 4th June 2024 > Medieval Salvator Mundi Appearing to an Old Man

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LOT 0360

GBP (£) 2,000 - 3,000
EUR (€) 2,340 - 3,510
USD ($) 2,540 - 3,810

Current bid: £470 (+bp*)
(6 Bids, Reserve met)

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(6 Bids, Reserve met)   |   Current bid: £470
7 x 7 3/8 in. (347 grams, 18 x 18.7 cm).

Rectangular vellum panel, hand-coloured initial 'D' from a manuscript page; to the left edge, a bearded male face in profile wearing a red cap; around the capital, four coral-pink dragons with head in profile; within the loop of the 'D' a scene depicting an old man with long white hair and beard kneeling before a table, above him Christ in 'Salvator Mundi' guise nimbate and holding an orb; in an old glazed wooden frame with cartapesta panel to the reverse. [No Reserve]

Private collection, Tuscany, inherited, 1969.

This lot has been checked against the Interpol Database of stolen works of art and is accompanied by a search certificate number no.12060-217464.

Cf. miniature of God blessing David, in the Graduale G 73, Museum of Bargello, Firenze, folio 2r, early 15th century, for similar.

The illumination is from a cutting of dismembered Code, likely representing a book of the ancient Testament. It is difficult to say who is the character to which God is appearing, although his costume betrays the intention to represent a grieving man, in Jewish garb. This points to a possible individuation of the man as David (an interpretation supported by the letter D), who, penitent in front of God for the sin he committed by killing Uriah, receives the blessing and forgiveness of God, whose hand is depicted in the blessing gesture.