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Home > Auctions > 4th June 2024 > Old Babylonian Cylinder Seal of Ili-iddinam, Servant of the Goddess Nin-si'anna

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LOT 0202

GBP (£) 400 - 600
EUR (€) 470 - 700
USD ($) 510 - 760

Current bid: £20 (+bp*)
(5 Bids, Reserve met)

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(5 Bids, Reserve met)   |   Current bid: £20
CIRCA 1900-1600 B.C.
1 1/4 in. (17 grams, 31 mm).

With three standing figures; accompanied by an old scholarly note, typed and signed by W.G. Lambert, late Professor of Assyriology, University of Birmingham, 1970-1993, which states: 'Cylinder Seal of Black Stone with White Streaks / 31 x 17 mm. / The design consists of three standing figures: a god in short clothes on the right, a worshipper in long robe raising one hand in the middle, and a nude female shown frontally on the left. A spade symbol appears in front of the god on the right. A two line cuneiform inscription names the ancient seal-owner: Ili-iddinam, servant of (the goddess) Nin-si'anna / Nin-si'anna is a name of Ishter-Venus. This is an Old Babylonian seal, c. 1900-1600 B.C. It has a rare stone for the period, but is not deeply cut. The seal is in very good state of preservation.' [No Reserve]

Academically researched and catalogued by the late Professor Lambert in the early 1990s.
From a collection acquired from various auction houses in the UK.
From the estate of Mr R.W., a private Wiltshire, UK, collector; thence by descent.

Accompanied by an original typed and signed scholarly note by the late W.G. Lambert, Professor of Assyriology at the University of Birmingham, 1970-1993.