Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, St James's
28 August 2024
London Viewing: 12 noon - 6pm
Champagne Reception: 6 - 9pm
29 August 2024
London Viewing: 9am - 12 noon
12:00 noon
- Egyptian (Lots 1-25)
- Greek (Lots 26-83)
- Roman (Lots 84-167)
- Byzantine (Lots 168-181)
- Western Asiatic (Lots 182-259)
- Western Asiatic (260-288)
- Arms & Armour (Lots 289-312)
- Stone, Bronze and Iron Age (Lots 313-346)
- Viking, Saxon and Germanic (Lots 347-365)
- Medieval (Lots 366-397)
- Post Medieval (Lots 398-437)
- India & Region (Lots 438-453)
- Natural History (Lots 454-460)
12:00 noon
- Egyptian (Lots 461-536)
- Greek (Lots 537-654)
- Roman (Lots 655-786)
- Roman (Lots 787-977)
- Byzantine (Lots 978-1025)
- Archaeological Books (Lots 1026-1060)
- Western Asiatic (Lots 1061-1111)
12:00 noon
- Western Asiatic (Lots 1112-1344)
- Arms & Armour (Lots 1345-1442)
- Arms & Armour (Lots 1443-1494)
- Stone, Bronze and Iron Age (Lots 1495-1659)
- Viking, Saxon and Germanic (Lots 1660-1773)
12:00 noon
- Medieval (Lots 1774-1943)
- Post Medieval (Lots 1944-2092)
- Post Medieval (Lots 2093-2211)
- General Books (Lots 2212-2249)
- Chinese & Far Eastern (Lots 2250-2379)
- India & Region (Lots 2380-2409)
12:00 noon
- Ethnographic, Tribal Art and Prehispanic (Lots 2410-2456)
- Natural History (Lots 2457-2760)
- Natural History (Lots 2761-2874)
- Coins, Tokens, Medals (Lots 2875-3060)
12:00 noon
- Coins, Tokens, Medals (Lots 3061-3481)
- Coins, Tokens, Medals (Lots 3482-3757)
- Accessories & Numismatic Books (Lots 3758-3856)